Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Plaidypus Lost and Some Video Resources!

This week our story is "Plaidypus Lost" by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel.  The big question this week is "How do families cooperate together?"  Our sight words for the week are the and little.  Make sure to practice these at home!  So far students have learned to read the words I, am, see, the, and little.

We are also working on understanding story structure.  Our main focus so far has been on characters.  This week we are talking about the setting.  We have also learned that every story has a beginning, middle, and end.  Eventually, we will be focusing on problems and solutions.

In math we are continuing to recognize,  write,  and count sets of objects from 0-10.  Some students have been working on numbers larger than that.  Students have been practicing these skills each day in math centers.  We also practice counting to 100 each day during calendar and will begin practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s,  as well.  This is the video we watch each day to practice counting to 100:
This is the Jack Hartmann video we watch each morning during calendar time to practice our letter sounds: 
We also do our days of the week rap: 


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